Thorough Code Reviews

Our code reviews are written for a non-technical reader to assess the general quality and maintainability of the code base.

Our code review covers five main areas:

  1. Development Tools and Best Practice

  2. Runtime Quality and Performance

  3. Code Style, Quality and Maintainability

  4. Security

  5. Legal / App Review

Within those areas we assess individual aspects of the code and give each aspect one of three rankings:

    App or code meets minimum requirement in this area. No recommendations.

    App can be improved in this area, but is currently not adversely affecting user experience and does not present a business risk in the short-term. However long-term app maintainability may be affected, or business risk may grow if issue is left unaddressed.

    Issue identified that adversely affects user experience, presents a major security or business risk, or presents a major obstacle to future development and maintainability.